Search Results
The Return of the King — Gandalf and the Witch-king (reading)
The Lord of the Rings: The Return of the King: Gandalf the White vs. Nazgul
Gandalf Confronts The Witch-king - Excerpt from Week 3 of The Return of the King: Dramatic Reading
GANDALF vs The WITCH-KING! | Book vs Movie Differences | Middle Earth Lore
The Lord Of The Rings: The Return of the King - Gandalf vs Witch-King of Angmar (Book Accurate Edit)
The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King - Gandalf saves the Riders HD 1080p
Gandalf & The Witch-king | An Enhancement of Power
Witch King, Gandalf [Lord of the Rings: The Third Age]
Aragorn, "For Frodo" But He's Alone
Return of the King ~ Extended Edition ~ Faramir and Eowyn HD
"The Fellowship of the Ring" Reading and Analysis - Part 2
Eowyn meets the Witch King of Angmar